Spring weather has finally arrived in most parts of the country and many athletes are excited that they are able to get back outside and enjoy the sports that they love the most. Even when it comes time to picking up tennis balls at the end of match that you lost there is something to be said for any sport that gets you outside enjoying both fresh air and much needed exercise. One of the ways that many people of all ages are able to expand the activities that they participate in is by joining adult tennis or pickleball leagues. Complete with the latest equipment that makes picking up tennis balls easier, many of these leagues are on well maintained courts with outdoor benches for friends and family to come watch.
As the nation deals with a generation of folks who are not as healthy as they should be it should come as no surprise that the number of people playing sports like tennis and pickle ball continues to grow. This means, of course, that there are many times when both private clubs and community parks need to expand the number of tennis courts that are available. And while a pickle ball court may take up less actual space, they still benefit from line tape, court cleaning tools, and strong netting.
Are Your Community Tennis Courts in Good Shape?
Most outdoor public courses store away nets and other accessories during the coldest of the winter months. Protecting the nets from the elements is especially important if a community wants to know that the courts will be ready to go once the warm weather arrives. Playing tennis for fun can burn as many as 169 calories in 30 minutes for an average woman, and 208 calories in 30 minutes for a man. In an effort to not only burn calories, but also have fun, it appears that the number of people playing tennis has increased. In fact, tennis participation rose roughly 1% to 17.9 million players last year, according to the latest research by the Tennis Industry Association (TIA).
In order to have a place for all of the people who want to play either tennis or pickleball, however, there are many private clubs and local communities who have had to invest in more courts.