Golf remains a popular sport, even though it might no be quite as popular with the general public as it was when Tiger Woods was in his prime. While there are a lot of weekend hackers out there, there also are a number of people who play regularly and are working to try to always improve their stroke. In the past 25 years, the average male golfer has reduced his handicap by two strokes, while the average female golfer has reduced it by three strokes. People who live in areas of the country where year-round golf is possible certainly have an advantage over those who don’t. But even if you live somewhere where playing outside during the winter months is difficult, there are still some things you can do to try to keep your golf game in shape.
One of the best things you can do when you are stuck inside is to use a golf simulator. Top golf simulators can be expensive, so it might not be within your budget to buy your own. However, if you live in a larger city, it’s likely there is one available somewhere for you to use. This might be at a golf club, an entertainment center or some other facility. There also are home golf simulators that may not be quite as good as the top golf simulators, but if you can afford one, they are certainly worth it to give you the extra practice time you need to boost your game.
Another golfing option during the winter months is an indoor driving range. Being able to hit balls during the winter can help you keep your swing in shape. Again, you are likely to find indoor driving ranges at golf clubs, and there are some companies that run facilities that host indoor driving ranges, indoor batting cages and other indoor training facilities. The average driving distance is about 220 yards, and you can work to improve that over the winter.
Using driving ranges or top golf simulators over the winter when you can’t play is good not only for your golf game, but it can be good for your overall health as well. It can get you some additional exercise, which will put you ahead of most other people, 95% of which don’t even get 30 minutes of physical activity a day. It also can help brighten your mood during the gloomy winter months. So don’t let your golf game or your physical and mental health suffer over the winter. Seek out opportunities to practice your swing indoors.