How did you get so lucky?
You just spend a lovely afternoon with the family.
And a whole lot of sand.
In fact, if there is one video from the day that you like more than watching the grin on your three year old son’s face while he is on the boat ride it is the video of him playing in the sand. He loved the feeling of the sand sifting through his fingers. So much so that he did it again and again.
And again.
The Best Summers Are Full of Weekends at the Lake
After a long winter of upgrading your pontoon with one of the best boat flooring options and investing in an aquamat for the swimming area, the weekends at the lake are finally here. One of the greatest things about spending some of the time in the winter upgrading the boat flooring options and the upholstery in your boat means that many of these changes are far easier to keep clean and to maintain.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the boating industry, lake life, and the impact that these products and events have on the nation’s economy:
- More than 87 million U.S. adults participate in recreational boating.
- 95% of all Americans live within an hour’s drive of a navigable body of water that allows boating.
- There are currently 49.81 million fishermen and anglers in the U.S.
- The yearly expense of boat maintenance and use runs as high as 10% of the purchase price of the vessel.
- Over one in three of the Americans who fish today are women, according to a recently released reports by the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation and the Outdoor Foundation.
- 95% of the boats on the water in the U.S. are 26 feet or less, according to the National Marine Manufacturers Association.
With some of the latest snap in boat carpet kits you can make sure that if you do have a problem you can simply replace a small section and save the rest of the flooring. Any and all of these efforts to improve the family boat can help you get ready for the excellent lake weekends this summer. Whether you go all out and watch games from your boat or you make the effort to attend a boating conference, or you simply use your boat for evening rides to watch the sunset, having your boat in the best shape is important.