Sports physicals are important for many reasons. They are used to screen for life-threatening conditions and general health conditions. This video explains the importance of sports physicals and why you shouldn’t pass up on getting screened.
When being screened for sports physicals it isn’t just about getting the necessary documentation to an athletic league or school, but establishing a relationship with a care provider to look for general health concerns or be there for counseling. A provider could help patients discover concerns with things like diet, exercise, and healthy habits.
This video talks about the general form that is used to evaluate 7th-12th grade kids. This four-page form asks certain questions about one’s history, immunizations, height, and weight. If there are any health concerns when conducting the sports physicals the care provider is to evaluate and give further testing necessary so that one is allowed to participate in sports activities.
This video recommends that a primary care provider does the sports physical and that one establishes a relationship with the physician. It is important that one’s physician knows them well and knows how to perform a sports physical correctly. This allows one’s safety when playing sports and helps ease a parent’s mind.