Gymnastics is a sport that has been a popular and beloved tradition around the world for 2,000 years. From toddler’s tumbling classes to adult gymnastics classes, the sport helps provide fun and fitness to all ages. Statistics recorded in 2013 showed that there were approximately 4.97 million gymnastic participants aged six and older. The sport not only provides entertainment to both the athletes and the spectators, but also is a great way for children and adults to stay in shape both physically and mentally.
Gymnastics Accomplishments
Many competitors who partake in gymnastics classes are awarded with medals, trophies, titles, and other notable prizes for their outstanding skills and achievements. These awards are handed out to gymnasts of all ages, from toddlers to adults. Typically, gymnastic awards are given out in the form of medals: bronze for third place winners, silver for second place winners and gold for first place winners.
Gymnastic teams have a variety of events in which participants can compete for awards. Most programs begin by competing with other local gymnastics classes. The winners from those local competitions then move on the district competitions. The next step is moving on to regional competitions, and then to states. If the participants win the state wide competition, they will move on to nationals. When an individual is particularly talented, they may even consider competing in the Olympics, just Carly Patterson who won the Olympic gold medal in 2004 in the Women’s All-Around category at only 16 years old.
How Gymnastic Classes Can Benefit You
Aside from the notable accomplishments, there are many benefits of gymnastic classes. Child or adult gymnastic classes both offer a great way for participants to get, and stay, in physical shape. Taking also provides progress in mental health by getting the athlete out of the home, placing them in a team bonding setting, and allowing them to feel better about themselves through their improvements, skills and accomplishments within the sport.
Children Gymnastic Classes
It is suggested by the United States Department of Health and Human Services that children between the ages of six and 17 participate in a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity each day. However, the decline of child activity is at an all time high, with one one in three children participating in any kind of physical activity every day. More than seven and a half hours of a child’s day is now spent either in front of the television, playing video games, sitting in front of the computer or on their tablet or mobile device.
Children between the ages of two and five years old should be practicing motor skills such as tumbling, running, throwing and catching, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. The same institution states that gymnastics is a great way for children to get a handle on these skills, as long as the classes they enroll in are specifically geared for their maturity and motor skill levels.
Adult Gymnastic Classes
Gymnastics are not just for children and teenagers. Adult gymnastic classes are highly rewarding and beneficial. By enrolling in a gymnastics academy, you are providing yourself with a hobby the maintains physical fitness and entertaining time out of the house. Statistics show that adults who pick up gymnastics as a hobby are generally much happier. They are able to relinquish stress in their classes through the endorphin percentage released throughout exercise as well as the feeling of mental wellness achieved by accomplishing new goals.
Another perk of adult gymnastic classes is the ability to participate socially. Athletes may choose to join a team with a friend or a group of friends as a way to keep in touch throughout their busy lives. Adults with a family may choose to join the team with their spouse and children so that the whole family can share a common interest and bond over extracurricular activities.
In Conclusion
Gymnastics is a sport growing in popularity for children and adults alike. Many accomplishments throughout local and national competitions can be sought after within gymnast programs. Athletes can stay physically and mentally healthy while participating in gymnastics, as well as use the sport to stay socially active with friends and family.