The Connection Between Online Games and Customer Loyalty
If you are someone (or know someone) who has loyalty to a company, there is likely a reason why.
When a customer becomes loyal to an organization, it is often for a significant reason. Maybe sai company offers a loyalty program, or maybe the customer feels passionate about the specific products sold. That said, another common reason by people stay loyal to an organization relates to advertising. When organizations create an interactive ad experience (either online or in person) they are more likely to retain customer loyalty. Thus, if you are an organization looking improve social engagement with customers, consider implementing a game that grasps customers attention and will likely keep them coming back for more.
1. When companies use online contest campaigns (such as a redeemable token system or a digital-driven contest, they are significantly more likely to retain their audiences’ attention.
When it comes to online contests, individuals are very responsive to such ads. Consider a company that posts a fun or interactive game as a way of helping people learn more about their company. Since a game is a fun experience, people are likely to associate the game with the company being fun as well. Consider that when companies use online contest campaigns they will acquire approximately 34% audience increase on average. Thus, the next time you are wondering a good way to get customers’ attention, try using an online contest campaign.
2. Approximately 33% of participants in online contents illustrate some form of loyalty to an organization.
When a customer comes across a fun, online game associated with a company, they are more likely to want to learn more about the company. Consider, that one-third of online contest participants will opt-in to receive information about various brands and partners. This means, that if an individual comes across online ads that are interactive, they see that ad a positive representation of a company and are willing to learn more about what the company has to offer. thus, if possible, consider implementing online contests or ads for individuals to interact with and watch your customer base grow!
3. If the facts haven’t sold you yet, consider how common online games are (illustrating the market you could have in your back pocket).
If you are still concerned about the efficacy of online games and advertisements, then consider the popularity of online games. Approximately 70% of people have played an online game. This means,
that of all individuals, 70% are potential customers since games are likely to increase interest in a company. Thus, there are a number of individuals whom any given company could reach out to in hopes of growing a customer base and engaging with individuals about a company.
If you keep this tips in mind, then you will be on the right track to receiving significant customer loyalty as a result of online games/interaction. The best thing you can do to ensure that customers are able to learn about your company is to invest in online advertisements and interactive online games as people greatly respond to them. Also, follow the key steps above in order to watch your customer base grow. First, know that companies that use online contest campaigns are significantly more likely to retain their audiences’ attention. Second, keep in mind that approximately 33% of participants in online contents illustrate some form of loyalty to an organization. Lastly, be aware of the fact that 70% of people have played an online game so there is ample opportunity to reach out to customers.