Finding a Reason to Stay Positive During the Pandemic

The beginning of a new year brings with it a reflection of how the previous 12 months went. And as many people have noted this year that hindsight really can be called 2020. So many people are mired in the mud of the year that was plagued by the pandemic, but there is definite value of finding a way to also remember the positives that have occurred. On a personal level, you have found that you do not have to look very far to find ways that this past year has ended better than it started.

First of all, your youngest graduated from high school and has found something she is passionate about doing. Your oldest has been on a life journey and is happier and more themselves than ever before. You get to spend quality time with my husband and dogs. And while you could be sad that your two kids moved and that you have less time with them, you are thankful for the time to reconnect with your spouse. The dogs, of course, are a fluffy bonus.

As a realtor, you are benefitting from the fact that the pandemic has now made electronic notaries something that has been finally approved. Spending more time at home working you are wearing less make-up and bras and are enjoying the fact that you are wearing more sweatpants. It is also hard to ignore the joy of more take-out and take-out cocktails, and your husband is thrilled that with less travel there has been more time to finish home improvement projects he has been wanting to do.

On the home front, you are working with your husband to pack up the custom fly reels and all of the fly fishing gear bags for a family vacation. An escape to the great outdoors is just what your family needs to create positive memories and help everyone relax in the great spaces of being outside. And while making up fly fishing gear bags may seem a mere detail to a trip, it is often the focus on the details of a family fishing trip or other outdoor event that can help make everyone feel better.

Outdoor Vacations Continue to be a Positive During the Pandemic

Silence is golden and in the fast pace and stress of the lives families have living during the pandemic it is important to find ways to help both parents and children get some fresh air. Heading to the cabin with your fly fishing gear bags is one way that many people are able to navigate these challenging times.

When it comes to fishing, of course, silence in the great outdoors is common. And while not all fishing trips rely on complete quiet to be successful, it is important to note that by definition fishing is often a socially distanced event. An estimated 51.59 million people went fishing in the year 2017, and it should come as no surprise that this is much sought out activity during the pandemic. And while there might be perception that fly fishing gear bags are only for the older crowd, the latest research than 60 percent of recreational fishing participants were under 45 in 2017. This is a good indicator that a new generation is taking up the sport of fly fishing. And any sport or activity that encourages folks to be in the great outdoors is a way to make sure that today’s problems are kept in perspective.

The beginning of every year is an opportunity to restart a new set of goals. The year of 2021, especially because of the pandemic, is no different. In an effort to stay both physically and mentally healthy getting into the great outdoors may be the best first step. Fishing, hiking, biking, and running, of course, are some of the best options. Are you looking for ways to make sure that your family successfully navigates these remaining days of the Covid 19 pandemic? Are you helping your children succeed in a changed school year? Are you planning for an upcoming summer vacation that will allow everyone in your family to enjoy fresh air, great sights, and memorable times that will last a lifetime?

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