What To Know When Buying A Pontoon Boat
New and used boats for sale pose many exciting opportunities for boating enthusiasts. Boat dealers all over provide new adventures and vacations to people every single day. When asking yourself if you should buy a new or used boat, consider this article for pertinant information before making the final decision. Is a pontoon boat affordable for you and your family? What joy will it bring versus other financial investments? Read on for more information regarding pontoon boats and boat dealers.
Are Pontoon Boats Affordable?
As this question varies greatly between families, there are a few important things to know when thinking about purchasing a pontoon boat. First, pontoon boats can be found both new and used. Most boat dealers with have both new and used boats for sale. Pontoon boats for sale can be made affordable for most people. Financing is available for both new and used boats. An important fact to note is that boating is predominantly “middle-class” with 72 percent of boat owners having a household income of less than $100,000. Boating is not a “rich person” hobby, as many households would be able to afford monthly financing or saving to purchase a boat outright. In addition to increases in unit sales of new boats, recreational boating industry dollar sales are expected to rise between 10-11 percent from $8.4 billion in 2016. While there are many ways to purchase a pontoon boat affordably, there are also additional expenses that must be taken into account. For example, boating property damage totaled approximately $49 million in 2016. Boat insurance is available for the boat owner (an additional expense in itself) but there are always copays and extra damage costs to account for. Keeping that in mind and planning for any and all circumstances can create a better experience for the boat owner. A financially responsible boat owner should be prepared for the worst and hope for the best when owning such an expensive piece of recreational property. The boat industry is currently doing well as sales of new powerboats were projected to have increased between six and seven percent over 2016
Fun Facts About Pontoon Boats
When looking at new and used boats for sale to purchase, there are some additional fun facts that the avid boater would love to know. For example, an average pontoon boat under ideal conditions with only one person can reach 31 mph. An average pontoon boat with a 115hp engine can reach 22 mph with max capacity (11 people). Also, 95 percent of boats sold in the U.S. are made in the U.S. and 95 percent of all Americans live within an hour’s drive of a navigable body of water. That being said, a large amount of people are geographically set to purchase a new or used boat. Ninety-five percent of boats on the water (powerboats, personal watercraft, and sailboats) in the U.S. are small in size at less than 26 feet in length—boats that can be trailered by a vehicle to local waterways, making travel to and from the water an easier feat. With all of these fun facts and affordability, what is stopping you from purchasing a new or used pontoon boat to enjoy?